2. To promote the welfare of indigent children physically, mentally, socially, emotionally and spiritually.
3. To provide proper education to these indigent children.
4. To help establish contact with nearest kins and make arrangement for transfer to their care upon thorough examination.
a.) To obtain donations and other financial assistance of any kind from any person, corporation, entity, private or governmental, foreign or domestic, or to be directly applied to beneficiaries and the administration.
b.) To engage in self-help project in order to assist the basic needs of man.
– Provision for normal growth and development of the child enhancing his own best interest.
– Provision of home where the atmosphere of the true family life can be experienced by the child. Provision of a wholesome and harmonious place as its atmosphere and condition will greatly influence the child’s development.
– Attachment to the home and strong family ties should be encouraged but not to the extent of making the home isolated and exclusive and unconcerned with the interests of the community and the country.
2. Children who are 3 – 9 years old; both male and female.
3. Children who are not physically handicapped, mentally retarded and mentally ill children. Children free from contagious diseases.
4. Any dependent, abandoned or neglected child may be referred by any government or non-government agencies.
1. To Provide temporary shelter to the abandoned, neglected and dependent or those who have no relatives who are willing to take care of them.
2. In the event that the returning of the children to their parents is not possible, alternative measure should be resorted to, those children in need of permanent home should be referred to the local DSWD. Institutional care for children is temporary. It should only provide transitional care from an abusive environment to a permanent family home either re-unification with parents / extended family without danger of revictimization from abuse or placement in alternative homes thru: Adoption, Foster Home Care, Guardianship, Independent Living or Other Schemes.
3. Children who are members of the Home of Hope family must abide by all the rules and regulations of the institution.
a.) Children are obliged to attend formal education from elementary to high school unless there is a valid reason not to. College education will be dealt in case to case basis. Proposed schemes are working students, scholarship program and legal or foster parents sponsorship.
b.) To engage in self-help projects in order to assist the needs of the children as well as to harness their skills and abilities and develop their attitudes and values toward work.
B. Admission Policies
1. Home of Hope caters or admits children who are abandoned, neglected, dependent or those who have no relatives who are willing to take care them in.